Issue #011

Hi all, welcome back to another issue of Great Stuff! Where I share some great stuff discovered as a designer, builder & founder ;)

GreatStuff.FYI is still under maintenance, you can still check it out but some links are not displayed as there are some big changes going on for better experience.


This browser organises new tabs in a tree structure ~ just in case you are sick of Arc’s fancy interfaces & sudden-ending feature updates, might be your next browser for next couple years ~


A great collection of minimal sites ✨

More Great Stuff:

Links you see in this newsletter are all updated in the web directory, and more will be updated there as well, so do check out, and set it as your home page to get daily/bi-daily updates of great links ;)

That’s a wrap for this issue, if you like this, please help spread to fellow designers, builders or founders ~

Peace ✌️ aaali